Matter has SOLID, LIQUID or GAS/VAPOR forms


Solid water is ICE, water VAPOR is STEAM


Water boils at 212¡ F/100¡ C. ThatÕs HOT


Water freezes at 32¡F/0¡ C. ThatÕs COOL.


Air is 80% NITROGEN, 20% OXYGEN

Argon and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) also


GASES in air can be liquefied and frozen

(they cool by expanding)


Nitrogen boils at Ð321¡ F/-196¡ C. ThatÕs COLD


At Ð321¡F water freezes (FAST).


At Ð321¡F atoms move slower and things are smaller.


At Ð321¡F materials are harder and more brittle.


At Ð321¡F magnets can be levitated by superconductivity.


At Ð321¡F OXYGEN is LIQUID too.