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Welcome to the ChuppLab

Devoted to excellence in research, providing opportunities that bring each individual's strengths to a diverse team solving diverse problems, and to making science accessible to the broadest audiences.


Tim Chupp

Professor of Physics, Applied Physics and Biomedical Engineering

University of Michigan

Randall Laboratory 450 Church Street

Ann Arbor, Michigan USA 48109

Tel: (1)-734-647-2514 Fax: (1)-734-764-5153




Everyday Physics

Physics 235 - Biomedical applications of physics 2013-2018

Physics Advanced Labs (Physics 441/442)

Instrumentation for the Physical Science (Physics 440) 



Elementary School Science Activities

Saturday Morning Physics Lectures on Nuclear Magnets

DMAPT Presentation: The Physics of Vision


Links to Public Lecture Videos


The Marvelous, Mysterious Muon

Solar Neutrinos


on Sports, etc.

The Physics of Basketball - 2021

The Physics of Baseball (Saturday Morning Physics)

The Science of Diving

The Physics of Basketball (Michigan Theater)

Physics of Vision and Tim’s Vermeer (Michigan Theater)

The Physics of Halloween




Professor Chupp and his group pursue a program that uses precision measurement techniques and symmetry principles in particle physics investigations and applies the technology developed for those investigations to a variety of endeavors. The primary current efforts include measurement of muon magnetic-moment anomaly (g-2) at Fermilab and atomic and neutron electric-dipole-moment measurements at Los Alamos National Lab.


Over recent decades experiment and theory have established the Standard Model of elementary particle interactions and developed a framework for precise calculations. In spite of this success, strong evidence that the Standard Model is incomplete is provided by three specific shortcomings: 1) we do not understand the origin of matter, that is how the early universe evolved to provide more matter than antimatter for planets, stars and galaxies to exist as observed today; 2) we do not know what constitutes the dark matter that comprises most of the mass of the observable universe; 3) we have not specified the quantum mechanics of neutrinos, the elusive elementary particles that accompany radioactive decay. It is clear that a New Standard Model must emerge and that it must be based on experiment. Chupplab research challenges precise Standard Model predictions and can provide solid signals of new physics by measuring the magnetic signature (magnetic-moment anomaly) of the muon, an exotic elementary particle that is produced in abundance at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, and exquisitely measuring the shape of the neutron and the isotope 129Xe manifest in an electric-dipole moment (EDM). This work addresses the deepest questions that we can ask: what is matter made of, how did it come to be and how does it interact at the same time addressing the technical demands of the experiments by pushing the limits of magnetic field measurement. Many potential additional applications of these techniques may be extended into biology, neuroscience and medicine, and as quantum sensors.

Step 1.jpg

We are part of the Fermilab muon g-2 collaboration and recently announced the results of the Run 1 and Run 2-3. Together with the previous results from Brookhaven,  measured g-2 of the muon differs from the recent Standard Model Calculation by 2.5 parts-per-million (ppm), which is about 5 times the estimated combined uncertainty of experiment and a recently compiled Standard-Model calculation. This is currently the strongest laboratory signal for new physics. The Chupp lab has been focused on the absolute and accurate measurement of the magnetic field that connects the muon spin-precession frequency to the magnetic-moment anomaly aµ= (g-2)/2. The challenge of precision absolute magnetometry has pushed the development of new techniques based on 3He. Combined with measurement of the magnetic moment of the 3He nucleus, this promises to establish a new standard and a new set of devices for measuring magnetic fields.


Time reversal invariance violation is manifest in the EDMs induced in the neutron and atoms by elementary particle interactions. The Standard Model provides for EDMs due to the weak and strong interaction, but the weak interaction contribution is so small that the current experiments probe the strong interaction (the parameter qQCD) and new physics that may hold the key to the origin of matter. Efforts to exploit the world’s strongest UCN sources at Los Alamos and ILL in Grenoble France are driving our work to push the neutron EDM sensitivity an order of magnitude and more. The Los Alamos nEDM experiment (Tim Chupp and Takeyasu Ito spokespersons) will improve the sensitivity to the neutron EDM by a factor of about 10. The HeXe collaboration improved improved our earlier work to measure the 129Xe EDM with 3He co-magnetometry using SQUIDs and the world’s best magnetically shielded environments in Munich and Berlin, Germany by a factor of five. This effort continues using components of the Los Alamos nEDM experiment and SQUID magnetometry.


Review on EDMs with Peter Fierlinger, Michael Ramsey-Musolf, and Jaideep Singh

Review Paper on Medical Imaging with Laser Polarized Noble Gases

Paper on Beyond-Standard-Model Physics experiments at low energy




Tim Chupp, Richard Raymond

Felicity B. Hills


Graduate Students

Eva Krageloh – muon g-2 and EDM

 Henry Sottrel129Xe EDM

David Aguillard3He magnetometry and muon g-2


Current Undergrads (2024-5)

Eden Anderson, Andrew Andrade, Ian Rhudy, Jamison Starr


Recent PhDs

Felicity B. Hills: Characterization of Magnetic Fields for the Los Alamos National Laboratory nEDM Experiment

Chelsea Hendrus: A polarimetry measurement for the Nab experiment

Alec-Tewsley-Booth: muon g-2 magnetic field analysis

Natasha Sachdeva: HeXe EDM

Midhat Farooq: 3He magnetometry and muon g-2

Skyler Degenkolb: Optical Magnetometry Using Multiphoton Transitions

Matt Bales: Precision Measurment of Radiative Neutron Decay

Behzad Ebrahimi (BME): Cerebral Blood Flow Measurement Using MRI: Mathematical Regularization and Phantom Evaluation

Rob Cooper: The Radiative Decay Mode of the Free Neutron

Eric Tardiff: Towards a Measurement of the Electric Dipole Moment of 223Rn

Monisha Sharma:  Precision Neutron Polarimetry and npdgamma


Matt Rosen, Mark Rosenberry, Shenq-Rong Huang, Todd Smith, Rohan Hoare, Eduardo Oteiza, Jonathan Richardson, Mark Wagshull, Alan Thompson, Kevin Coulter



2024: Clockwise from upper left: Eden, Harriet, Eva, Tim, Felicity, Aidan, Henry, Richard, Jamison, Andrew Missing: David, Ian, "little Tim"
























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